As Ned Davis Research Group celebrated its 35th anniversary in 2015, it gave me the opportunity to reflect on the rich history that I have been able to share with a great team of employees and clients.
When Ned Davis Research was founded in 1980, we produced everything by hand. There were no computers on every desk, no printers, no internet, no email, no smart phones, no tablets, no networks. These were the days of the ticker tape – literally. I wrote and charted everything manually and my small staff sent a cut-and-pasted version to an outside printer for production. Our commitment to technology was strengthened during this time with the development of our proprietary graphical and analytical software program.
Starting in my home, we moved numerous times to accommodate our growth due to the increasing demands from our clients and the application of our research approach to a broader set of markets. One of our first major external software products was introduced in 1989 - some clients may still remember NDR Connection. It gave clients the ability to access our products through modem dial-up. This product was discontinued when we launched our first website in 1998. Similarly, our commentary publications have changed and grown with the times and needs of our clients.
During the early years, we manually collected and updated our data files. Today we have dedicated staff which maintain, mostly electronically, hundreds of millions of time series. Most of the series are derived data sets that NDR has created with our proprietary software, and keeps updated on a daily basis.
In 1995, we formally developed our Custom Research Department to serve the individual needs of our clients, and now complete over 2,000 individual project requests per year.
Ned Davis Research Group employs over 90 people across our Florida, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco, and London offices. I am extremely proud of the growth of Ned Davis Research Group, and am forever indebted to not only the staff, 12 of whom have been with the firm for over 20 years, but also to our clients who have allowed this company to prosper.
If I can be so presumptuous to talk about a stock market legacy I may leave, it would likely be that we were one of the first research companies that took market analysis, which had largely been done by hand and was very "artistic" and subjective, to the world of computers and graphics where the analysis was very data-driven and objective. However, I also consider myself a "market historian," and if there is one piece of advice I'd recommend people follow: "those who do not study history are condemned to repeat its mistakes."
Ned Davis Research (NDR) is a global provider of independent investment research, solutions and tools. Founded in 1980, NDR helps clients around the world make objective investment decisions. Our experienced strategists and analysts use fundamental and technical research with models, charts, indicators and weight-of-the-evidence methodology to help clients see the signals and invest with confidence. NDR is headquartered in Sarasota, Florida with offices in New York and London.
Our approach combines both fundamental and technical research disciplines. Fundamentals tell us how the markets should be acting while technicals reveal how the markets are acting. Truly insightful and timely ideas demand a balance between these two disciplines. Actionable ideas meet balanced, strategic insights through our 360-degree methodology.
We believe that successful investing is seeing the signals and avoiding mistakes. To do this, you need a clear view of the whole investment picture, which must include a perspective on Sentiment.
The amount of data available for analysis is becoming increasingly vast. More than ever, investors are looking for ways to cut through the noise. In order to succeed, firms must first identify new ways to examine the market from multiple perspectives. By providing research from the macro to the micro, NDR provides a more complete investment picture.
Explore NDR's 360-degree approach to leverage insights that combine how the market should be acting with how the market is acting.
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